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  • WorldofVolley is the largest volleyball database on the Internet:
    • Latest volleyball news and stories
    • Players, coaches and agents profiles
    • Players and teams stats
    • Games scout videos
    • Games results and schedules
  • Who is using WorldofVolley?
    • Volleyball people from all over the world use WorldofVolley to search for the latest volleyball information about players, teams and games
  • Benefits
    • Find the right player for your team
    • Save money to your team's budget
    • Check volleyball agent's list
    • Get latest transfers and injury updates
    • Use full scout videos to evaluate player's performance
  • Payment on WorldofVolley
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Do not make new profile, claim existing one from WoV PROFILES data base!
Andrija Geric
Veljko Petković
Saša Starović
Mihajlo Mitić